ePuffer Vape Company
ePuffer is intended for adults who want to switch from combustible tobacco products.

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Get the news you need about vaping products and legislation here.

Here, we provide the information you need to help you stay in touch with what’s happening in the global vaping community. Vaping is more than just enjoyable and satisfying; we believe that it also potentially has the power to prevent millions of tobacco-related deaths around the world. We are proud to deliver our high-quality and reliable content here and hope that it helps you become more educated as well as more involved in the activist community around vaping.

Although there are always legislators working to make e-cigarettes less available (or not available at all), the truth is that vaping is a less-harmful alternative to smoking, and it’s vitally important that ex-smokers have access to the vaping products they love.

Firstly, vaping allows you to control your nicotine intake, choosing the strength of e-liquid that’s right for you. Alternatively, just enjoy the experience with no nicotine at all. It’s also a cost-effective alternative to smoking and provides users with a great deal of flexibility when it comes to flavors. There’s no unpleasant smell as there is with tobacco smoke, either. Vaping helps people relax, provides them with a friendly community of people with similar interests, and – most importantly – helps them quit smoking.


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Are you a smoker who enjoys your nicotine fix but doesn’t like the horrendous smell that comes from cigarettes? Perhaps you’re tired of your mouth and throat always feeling like a chimney.

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