ePuffer Vape Company
ePuffer is intended for adults who want to switch from combustible tobacco products.

If you are not legally able to purchase tobacco or nicotine products in the place where you live, please do not enter this site.

You must be 19 years of age or older to access this website
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Have questions about e-cigs or how they work?

Curious about our products? Interested in the goings-on in the e-cigarette community? E-cigs have changed many people’s lives, and they can do the same for you. We know how important it is for vapers to have access to the products they love, so we strive to make these products – as well as information – as accessible as possible. Learn more about this less harmful and highly enjoyable alternative to smoking here.


Electronic Cigarettes Vs. Cigarettes The ongoing battle for smoking supremacy has seen some interesting victories for both sides. In the...
How Often Should I Change My E-cig Vape Coil? Electronic cigarettes , or " E-cigs ” for short, have been enjoying a massive surge in...
Disposable E-cigs with Nicotine Utilizing disposable e-cigs (electronic cigarettes) with nicotine is quickly becoming the trendiest way to...
Benefits of Electronic Cigarettes Win Over Smokers After you’ve been smoking for many years, it becomes a part of your life. Most often,...

In recent surveys over half of men and women agreed that they don’t like kissing a partner who smokes. Some say it would put them off booking a second date while others simply won’t accept a romantic invitation from a smoker.

It’s not all doom and gloom though as Vaping is different, and doesn’t leave lingering stale smells or turn your mouth into an ashtray. This is why we’re making it easier to secure a date this Valentine’s with a huge 25% off our entire range.

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