ePuffer Vape Company
ePuffer is intended for adults who want to switch from combustible tobacco products.

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WARNING: Nicotine is highly addictive. Health Canada. AVERTISSEMENT: La nicotine crée une forte dépendance. Santé Canada.

Electronic Cigarette ( E-Cigs )

The Modern World of more enjoyable Electronic Cigarettes - Buy Quality Vapes and Ecigarettes Online In Canada

It’s hard to believe that there was ever a time when smoking was actually thought to be good for you – but in fact, this was the general consensus for a very long time. Particularly from the 1930s to the 1950s, smoking flourished as cigarette ads were full of “doctors” assuring consumers that the cigarettes they were buying were perfectly safe. Of course, we now know that smoking kills millions of people every single year. And, besides the catastrophic, life-threatening dangers of smoking, many people suffer from negative day-to-day effects, from having the smell on their clothes and hair all day to struggling with being short of breath when just trying to get around.

Fortunately, the e-cigarette has exploded onto the scene, offering a better alternative for people who no longer wish to smoke, or those who want to enjoy the relaxing benefits of puffing “smoke” without actually using tobacco. There are now many options for people who want the experience of smoking without the smell and other negatives, such as the e-cig, the e-cigar, the e-pipe, and the vape mod. Our line of e-cigs includes a variety of flavoured disposables, starter kits, e-pack DIY kits, and other great options to help you get started. At ePuffer Canada, we are passionate about how our products can help people kick the smoking habit for good, and we invite you to explore our e-cigs and discover the joys of vaping for yourself.


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