Electronic Cigar E-900
900 Satisfying E-Cigar Puffs
Did you know that there are actually some benefits associated with smoking cigars? For example, people who enjoy cigar smoking find the activity very pleasant and relaxing, which in itself provides a mental health benefit as well as some of the physical benefits of stress management. However, there’s no denying that cigar smoke is bad for your health. That’s why we offer an alternative – because we love the experience of smoking a great cigar, too, but we want a better option.
That’s where vaping comes in. The luxurious experience of vaping, which just about anyone of legal age can enjoy, is an excellent stand-in for traditional smoking and a smarter choice. If you love smoking cigars, consider making the switch to our E-900 E-Cigar. We offer a variety of flavours to suit any tastes, and this product offers optimum performance to satisfy the most discerning vaper. The E-900 Rechargeable Kit comes with two rechargeable batteries, an intelligent USB charger, a universal charger, three premium flavour cartridges (the equivalent of about 45 traditional cigars), and an instruction manual to allow you to get the most out of your vaping experience. If you are ready to buy a vape online, consider the e-cigar for a truly unique and satisfying experience.
Electronic Cigar E-900
The genius innovation of e-cigars is undeniable. In the past few years, many hardcore smokers have switched to vape mods, e-cigarettes, e-cigars, and top-notch vaporizers. One of the well-known reasons for this is the fact that electronic cigarettes and vaporizers are said to be much less harmful to your health. Traditional cigarettes are usually laced with high levels of a toxic chemical cocktail that has, over the years, been found to be potentially lethal over time.
When it comes to health, you shouldn’t encounter any problems when you vape. This is because instead of toxic chemical-laden smoke, you’re just inhaling vapor. The E-900 is the perfect model if you’re health conscious, but you still need your nicotine fix.
While most e-cigars in the market operate in the same way, often with the same mechanics, it can be said that not all of them are of equal quality. Some manufacturers tend to hype their products up, thus making false promises that will likely leave you disappointed. With E-Puffer’s array of powerful and reliable electronic cigars, you won’t have a problem. The E-900 model is a great starting point if you’re really interested in discovering the magic of vaping.
Rechargeable E-Cigar and Mobile Vape Kits
While it’s advisable to start your vape experience through the use of disposable e-cigars (after all you are just trying it out, and the easiest way to do so is by purchasing disposables), you’ll realize someday that there is a better, more economical way to vape. It’s better to get something that you can recharge and perhaps even modify. In this sense, the E-900 E-Cigar is a great choice for you. -
While it’s advisable to start your vape experience through the use of disposable e-cigars (after all you are just trying it out, and the easiest way to do so is by purchasing disposables), you’ll realize someday that there is a better, more economical way to vape. It’s better to get something that you can recharge and perhaps even modify. In this sense, the E-900 E-Cigar is a great choice for you.
The product package comes with two high-quality rechargeable batteries, ensuring uninterrupted vaping. Each battery has a length of 85mm, so it can fit in your pocket, small bag, or any ePuffer case. A USB charger is also included, in the E-900 rechargeable e-cigar kit. This charger has overcharge protection built in to ensure the long life of your e-batteries. Overcharging, after all, is a common problem among lower quality electronic cigars.
Aside from the USB charger, a universal charger is included. This can be used to charge your other devices, such as smart phones and tablets—perfect for emergencies! The charger is also versatile since it can operate on either 110V or 240V power setting.
With this scale of mobility, you can definitely take the kit anywhere you want. This is perfect for you if you travel frequently.
E-900’s cartridges are some of the more competitive and well-valued electric cigar parts that you can find online. Other cartridges tend to give lackluster flavor, so you have to watch out for them. Nothing is more annoying than blowing money on something you won’t enjoy. E-900’s cartridges are meant to give you top-notch vaping quality without sacrificing flavor and the essence of nicotine. Unlike other local cartridges that might feel ‘stale’ in the long run, E-900 flavors will get you hooked for a long time. You can check out and try the cartridges available on EPuffer.
A factor that must be considered in every e-cigar is the ‘puff’ capacity. Other units can only give up to few hundreds of puffs—some are even inconsistent in counts. E-Puffer E-900 eCigar got its name directly from the number of puffs that it can give you: 900. This is actually an overhaul from the E-600 series. One of the advantages of a high puff capacity is prolonged usage. You don’t have to bring chargers along – unless you plan to be away for a while.
Havana cigars are stylish choices of smokers who have the extra cash to spend, however the allure of a Cuban goes beyond just the style, but also the taste. Each Cuban cigar is made from real tobacco leaves, and loaded with nicotine. Every puff consists of a high-density smoke that can be ultimately satisfying. This is the reason why Cuban cigars are also often the choice of the wealthy elite.
E-Puffer’s E-900 electronic cigar can fully emulate the experience of smoking a Cuban cigar. It’s even a better experience, if you stop and think about it. An e-cigar that can give you a real smoking experience, without the terrible health issues is definitely worth considering.
Another advantage of the E-900 e cigar is its soothing effect. Every puff that you inhale is thick with flavored density which can help to calm your mind. This is a reason why many love vaping – simply because it’s a great way to relax, without having to smoke an actual cigarette.
You may see endless debates online about the authentic experience offered by traditional, high-priced cigars compared to electronic models. While E-Puffer offers a 90-95% cigar experience replication, there’s still a fair margin. At times, your brain can tell you that you’re vaping an artificial cigar. However, with the appearance of the E-Cigar, and the effort they have put in to give you as real an experience as you can get, there’s really no reason to ignore E-Cigars – especially when you think about all the health considerations.
The E-900 is just one of the best units in the ePuffer product line. You can check out the website for more premium vape mods and starter kits. You might also want to browse ePuffer’s excellent flavor cartridges, if you want to vape more than just the regular tobacco flavor.